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Backend plugins

This page describes the process of creating and managing backend plugins in your Backstage repository.

Creating a Backend Plugin

A new, bare-bones backend plugin package can be created by issuing the following command in your Backstage repository root and selecting backend-plugin:

yarn new

You will be asked to supply a name for the plugin. This is an identifier that will be part of the NPM package name, so make it short and containing only lowercase characters separated by dashes, for example carmen, if it's a package that adds an integration with a system named Carmen, for example. The full NPM package name would then be something like @internal/plugin-carmen-backend, depending on the other flags passed to the new command, and your settings for the new command in your root package.json.

Creating the plugin will take a little while, so be patient. It will helpfully run the initial installation and build commands, so that your package is ready to be hacked on! It will be located in a new folder in your plugins directory, in this example plugins/carmen-backend.

For simple development purposes, a backend plugin can actually be started in a standalone mode. You can do a first-light test of your service:

cd plugins/carmen-backend
yarn start

This documentation assumes you are using the latest version of Backstage and the new backend system. If you are not, please upgrade and migrate your backend using the Migration Guide

This will think for a bit, and then say Listening on :7007. In a different terminal window, now run

curl localhost:7007/api/carmen/health

This should return {"status":"ok"}. Success! Press Ctrl + c to stop it again.

Developing your Backend Plugin

A freshly created backend plugin does basically nothing, in terms of the overall app. It has a small set of basic dependencies and exposes an Express router in src/service/router.ts. This is where you will start adding routes and connecting those to actual underlying functionality. But nothing in your Backstage application / backend exposes it.

To actually attach and run the plugin router, you will make some modifications to your backend.

From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @internal/plugin-carmen-backend@^0.1.0 # Change this to match the plugin's package.json

Update packages/backend/src/index with the following,

const backend = createBackend();

// ...


// ...


After you start the backend (e.g. using yarn start-backend from the repo root), you should be able to fetch data from it.

# Note the extra /api here
curl localhost:7007/api/carmen/health

This should return {"status":"ok"} like before. Success!

Secure by Default

In 1.25, Backstage started moving to a secure by default model for plugins. This means that network requests to plugins will by default not allow unauthenticated users. Let's take a deeper look at the above curl request which should allow unauthenticated access.

The actual endpoint that is being called is defined in

export async function createRouter(
options: RouterOptions,
): Promise<express.Router> {
// ...

router.get('/health', (_, response) => {'PONG!');
response.json({ status: 'ok' });

// ...
return router;

You'll notice that there is no authentication mechanism defined here, just the route name and response data. That's because the authentication is handled in your plugin definition,

await createRouter({
path: '/health',
allow: 'unauthenticated',

This allows requests to this plugin's /health endpoint to go through unauthenticated!

Using Dependencies

In the new backend, dependencies are defined statically during registration and then "injected" during initialization. Here's an example of what this looks like,


deps: {
httpRouter: coreServices.httpRouter,
logger: coreServices.logger,
// And then you can use them through the options property!
async init({ httpRouter, logger }) {
// ...

You can add your own dependencies by adding a named item to the deps parameter:

deps: {
myDependency: coreServices.rootConfig,

And then you can access it by referencing it in the init block of your plugin definition,

async init({ myDependency }) {
// ..

And then you're free to call it and pass it into your router as needed.

Backstage provides a bunch of coreServices out of box, see the more in depth docs here.

Making Use of a Database

The Backstage backend comes with a builtin facility for SQL database access. Most plugins that have persistence needs will choose to make use of this facility, so that Backstage operators can manage database needs uniformly.

You can access this by adding a dependency on the coreServices.database service. That will give you a Knex connection object.

deps: {
// ...
database: coreServices.database,
async init({
}) {
// You will then pass this client into your actual plugin implementation
// code, maybe similar to the following:
const model = new CarmenDatabaseModel(database);
await createRouter({

All plugin database needs are configured under the backend.database config key of your app-config.yaml. The framework may even make sure behind the scenes that the logical database is created automatically if it doesn't exist, based on rules that the Backstage operator decides on.

The framework does not handle database schema migrations for you, however. The builtin plugins in the main repo have chosen to use the Knex library to manage schema migrations as well, but you can do so in any manner that you see fit.

See the Knex library documentation for examples and details on how to write schema migrations and perform SQL queries against your database..

Making Use of the User's Identity

The Backstage backend also offers a core service to access the user's identity. You can access it through the coreServices.httpAuth and coreServices.userInfo dependencies.

deps: {
httpAuth: coreServices.httpAuth,
userInfo: coreServices.userInfo,
async init({
}) {
await createRouter({

The plugin can then extract the identity from the request.

export interface RouterOptions {
logger: LoggerService;
userInfo: UserInfoService;
httpAuth: HttpAuthService;

export async function createRouter(
options: RouterOptions,
): Promise<express.Router> {
const { userInfo, httpAuth } = options;'/me', async (req, res) => {
const credentials = await httpAuth.credentials(req, {
// This rejects request from non-users. Only use this if your plugin needs to access the
// user identity, most of the time it's enough to just call `httpAuth.credentials(req)`
allow: ['user'],

const user = await userInfo.getUserInfo(credentials);

// The catalog entity ref of the user.
userEntityRef: user.userEntityRef,

// The list of entities that this user or any teams this user is a part of owns.
ownershipEntityRefs: user.ownershipEntityRefs,

// ...