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Building Frontend Apps

NOTE: The new frontend system is in alpha and is only supported by a small number of plugins.

To get set up quickly with your own Backstage project you can create a Backstage App.

A Backstage App is a monorepo setup that includes everything you need to run Backstage in your own environment.

Creating a new app

To create a new Backstage app we recommend using the @backstage/create-app command line, and the easiest way to run this package is with npx:


The create-app CLI requires Node.js Active LTS Release.

# The command bellow creates a Backstage App inside the current folder.
# The name of the app-folder is the name that was provided when prompted.
npx @backstage/create-app@latest

The created-app is currently templated for legacy frontend system applications, so the app wiring code it creates needs to be migrated, see the app instance section for an example.

The app instance

The starting point of a frontend app is the createApp function, which accepts a single options object as its only parameter. It is imported from @backstage/frontend-defaults, which is where you will find most of the common APIs for building apps.

This is how to create a minimal app:

in src/index.ts
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { createApp } from '@backstage/frontend-defaults';
import catalogPlugin from '@backstage/plugin-catalog/alpha';

// Create your app instance
const app = createApp({
// Features such as plugins can be installed explicitly, but we will explore other options later on
features: [catalogPlugin],

// This creates a React element that renders the entire app
const root = app.createRoot();

// Just like any other React we need a root element. No server side rendering is used.
const rootEl = document.getElementById('root')!;


Note that createRoot returns the root element that is rendered by React. The above example is installing a catalog plugin and using default settings for the app, as no options other than the features array are passed to the createApp function.

Visit the built-in extensions section to see what is installed by default in a Backstage application.

Configure your app

Bind external routes

Linking routes from different plugins requires this configuration. You can do this either through a configuration file or by coding, visit this page for instructions.

Enable feature discovery

Use this setting to enable experimental feature discovery when building your app with @backstage/cli. With this configuration your application tries to discover and install package extensions automatically, check here for more details.


Remember that package extensions that are not auto-discovered must be manually added to the application when creating an app. See features for more details.

Configure extensions individually

It is possible to enable, disable and configure extensions individually in the app-config.yaml config file. To get familiar with what is available for app extensions personalization, go to the built-in extensions documentation. For plugin customizations, we recommend that you read the instructions in each plugin's README file.

Customize or override built-in extensions

Previously you would customize the application routes, components, apis, sidebar, etc. through the code in App.tsx. Now we want to allow the same thing to be achieved while writing less code and instead installing more extensions to customize your Backstage instance. See the extension blueprints section for a list of common extension kinds that are available for you to customize and extend your application.

Use code to customize the app at a more granular level

Install features manually

A manual installation is required if your packages are not discovered automatically, either because you are not using @backstage/cli to build your application or because the features are defined in local modules in the app package. In order to manually install a feature, you must import it and pass it to the createApp function:

import { createApp } from '@backstage/frontend-defaults';
// This plugin was create as a local module in the app
import { somePlugin } from './plugins';

const app = createApp({
features: [somePlugin],

export default app.createRoot();

You can also pass overrides to the features array, for more details, please read the extension overrides documentation.

Using an async features loader

In case you need to perform asynchronous operations before passing features to the createApp function, define a feature loader object and pass it to the features option:

import { createApp } from '@backstage/frontend-defaults';

const app = createApp({
features: {
getLoaderName: () => '<your-custom-features-loader-name>',
// there is a reference to the config api in the options param
load: async _options => {
// returning a lazy loaded plugins and overrides array
// could be util for module federation
return import('./features').then(m => m.default);

export default app.createRoot();

Lazy load your configuration file

In some cases we want to load our configuration from a backend server and to do so, you can pass an callback to the configLoader option when calling the createApp function, the callback should return a promise of an object with the config object:

import { createApp } from '@backstage/frontend-defaults';
import { getConfigFromServer } from './utils';

// Example lazy loading the app configuration
const app = createApp({
// Returns Promise<{ config: ConfigApi }>
configLoader: async () => {
// Calls an async utility method that fetches the config object from the server
const config = await getConfigFromServer();
// Feel free to manipulate the config object before returning it
// A common example is conditionally modify the config based on the running environment
return { config };

export default app.createRoot();