External integrations
Backstage natively supports importing catalog data through the use of entity descriptor YAML files. However, companies that already have an existing system for keeping track of software and its owners can leverage those systems by integrating them with Backstage. This article shows the two common ways of doing that integration: by adding a custom catalog entity provider, or by adding a processor.
The catalog has a frontend plugin part, that communicates via a service API to the backend plugin part. The backend continuously ingests data from the sources you specify, to store them in its database. The details of how this works is detailed in The Life of an Entity. Reading that article first is recommended.
There are two main options for how to ingest data into the catalog: making a custom entity provider, or making a custom processor. They both have strengths and drawbacks, but the former would usually be preferred. Both options are presented in a dedicated subsection below.
Custom Entity Providers
Entity providers sit at the very edge of the catalog. They are the original sources of entities that form roots of the processing tree. The dynamic location store API, and the static locations you can specify in your app-config, are two examples of builtin providers in the catalog.
Some defining traits of entity providers:
- You instantiate them individually using code in your backend, and pass them to the catalog builder. Often there's one provider instance per remote system.
- You may be responsible for actively running them. For example, some providers need to be triggered periodically by a method call to know when they are meant to do their job; in that case you'll have to make that happen.
- The timing of their work is entirely detached from the processing loops. One provider may run every 30 seconds, another one on every incoming webhook call of a certain type, etc.
- They can perform detailed updates on the set of entities that they are responsible for. They can make full updates of the entire set, or issue individual additions and removals.
- Their output is a set of unprocessed entities. Those are then subject to the processing loops before becoming final, stitched entities.
- When they remove an entity, the entire subtree of processor-generated entities under that root is eagerly removed as well.
Creating an Entity Provider
The recommended way of instantiating the catalog backend classes is to use the
, as illustrated in the
example backend here.
We will create a new
subclass that can be added to this catalog builder.
Let's make a simple provider that can refresh a set of entities based on a remote store. The provider part of the interface is actually tiny - you only have to supply a (unique) name, and accept a connection from the environment through which you can issue writes. The rest is up to the individual provider implementation.
It is up to you where you put the code for this new provider class. For quick
experimentation you could place it in your backend package, but we recommend
putting all extensions like this in a backend module package of their own in the
folder of your Backstage repo:
yarn new --select backend-module --option pluginId=catalog
The class will have this basic structure:
import { Entity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node';
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
* Provides entities from fictional frobs service.
export class FrobsProvider implements EntityProvider {
private readonly env: string;
private readonly reader: UrlReaderService;
private connection?: EntityProviderConnection;
private taskRunner: SchedulerServiceTaskRunner;
/** [1] */
env: string,
reader: UrlReaderService,
taskRunner: SchedulerServiceTaskRunner,
) {
this.env = env;
this.reader = reader;
this.taskRunner = taskRunner;
/** [2] */
getProviderName(): string {
return `frobs-${this.env}`;
/** [3] */
async connect(connection: EntityProviderConnection): Promise<void> {
this.connection = connection;
await this.taskRunner.run({
id: this.getProviderName(),
fn: async () => {
await this.run();
/** [4] */
async run(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.connection) {
throw new Error('Not initialized');
const response = await this.reader.readUrl(
const data = JSON.parse((await response.buffer()).toString());
/** [5] */
const entities: Entity[] = frobsToEntities(data);
/** [6] */
await this.connection.applyMutation({
type: 'full',
entities: entities.map(entity => ({
locationKey: `frobs-provider:${this.env}`,
This class demonstrates several important concepts, some of which are optional. Check out the numbered markings - let's go through them one by one.
- The class takes an
parameter. This is only illustrative for the sake of the example. We'll use this field to exhibit the type of provider where end users may want or need to make multiple instances of the same provider, and what the implications would be in that case. - The catalog requires that all registered providers return a name that is unique among those providers, and which is stable over time. The reason for these requirements is, the emitted entities for each provider instance all hang around in a closed bucket of their own. This bucket needs to be tied to their provider over time, and across backend restarts. We'll see below how the processor emits some entities and what that means for its own bucket.
- Once the catalog engine starts up, it immediately issues the
call to all known providers. This forms the bond between the code and the database. This is also an opportunity for the provider to do one-time updates on the connection at startup if it wants to. - At this point the provider contract is already complete. But the class needs
to do some actual work too! In this particular example, we chose to make a
method that has to be called each time that you want to issue a sync with thefrobs
service. Let's repeat that - this is only an example implementation; some providers may be written in entirely different ways, such as for example subscribing to pubsub events and only reacting to those, or any number of other solutions. The only point is - external stimuli happen somehow, which somehow get translated to calls on theconnection
to persist the outcome of that. This example issues afetch
to the right service and issues a full refresh of its entity bucket based on that. - The method translates the foreign data model to the native
form, as expected by the catalog. TheEntity
must include thebackstage.io/managed-by-location
andbackstage.io/managed-by-origin-location annotations
; otherwise, it will not appear in the Catalog and will generate warning logs. The Well-known Annotations documentation has guidance on what values to use for these. - Finally, we issue a "mutation" to the catalog. This persists the entities in
our own bucket, along with an optional
that's used for conflict checks. But this is a bigger topic - mutations warrant their own explanatory section below.
Provider Mutations
Let's circle back to the bucket analogy.
Each provider instance - not each class but each instance registered with the catalog - has access to its own bucket of entities, and the bucket is identified by the stable name of the provider instance. Every time the provider issues "mutations", it changes the contents of that bucket. Nothing else outside of the bucket is accessible.
There are two different types of mutation.
The first is 'full'
, which means to figuratively throw away the contents of
the bucket and replacing it with all the new contents specified. Under the
hood, this is actually implemented through a highly efficient delta mechanism
for performance reasons, since it is common that the difference from one run to
the other is actually very small. This strategy is convenient for providers that
have easy access to batch-fetches of the entire subject material from a remote
source, and doesn't have access to, or does not want to compute, deltas.
The other mutation type is 'delta'
, which lets the provider explicitly upsert
or delete entities in its bucket. This mutation is convenient e.g. for event
based providers, and can also be more performant since no deltas need to be
computed, and previous bucket contents outside of the targeted set do not have
to be taken into account.
In all cases, the mutation entities are treated as unprocessed entities. When they land in the database, the registered catalog processors go to work on them to transform them into final, processed and stitched, entities ready for consumption.
Every entity emitted by a processor can have a locationKey
, as shown above.
This is a critical conflict resolution key, in the form of an opaque string that
should be unique for each location that an entity could be located at, and
undefined if the entity does not have a fixed location.
In practice it should be set to the serialized location reference if the entity
is stored in Git, for example
, or a
similar string that distinctly pins down its origins. In our example we set it
to a string that was distinct for the provider class, plus its instance
identifying properties which in this case was the env
A conflict between two entity definitions happen when they have the same entity reference, i.e. kind, namespace, and name. In the event of a conflict, such as if two "competing" providers try to emit entities that have the same reference triplet, the location key will be used according to the following rules to resolve the conflict:
- If the entity is already present in the database but does not have a location key set, the new entity wins and will override the existing one.
- If the entity is already present in the database the new entity will only win if the location keys of the existing and new entity are the same.
- If the entity is not already present, insert the entity into the database along with the provided location key.
This may seem complex, but is a vital mechanism for ensuring that users aren't permitted to do "rogue" takeovers of already registered entities that belong to others.
Installing the Provider
You should now be able to add this class to your backend in
import { FrobsProvider } from '../path/to/class';
export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
const builder = CatalogBuilder.create(env);
const taskRunner = env.scheduler.createScheduledTaskRunner({
frequency: { minutes: 30 },
timeout: { minutes: 10 },
const frobs = new FrobsProvider('production', env.reader, taskRunner);
const { processingEngine, router } = await builder.build();
await processingEngine.start();
// ..
Note that we used the builtin scheduler facility to regularly call the run
method of the provider, in this example. It is a suitable driver for this
particular type of recurring task. We placed the scheduling after the actual
construction and startup phase of the rest of the catalog, because at that point
the connect
call has been made to the provider.
Start up the backend - it should now start reading from the previously registered location and you'll see your entities start to appear in Backstage.
New Backend System
To install the provider using the new backend system you will need to create a module and add it to your backend. The following is a very simplified example of what that would look like:
import { createBackend } from '@backstage/backend-defaults';
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { catalogProcessingExtensionPoint } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node/alpha';
import { FrobsProvider } from './path/to/class';
export const catalogModuleFrobsProvider = createBackendModule({
pluginId: 'catalog',
moduleId: 'frobs-provider',
register(env) {
deps: {
catalog: catalogProcessingExtensionPoint,
reader: coreServices.urlReader,
scheduler: coreServices.scheduler,
async init({ catalog, reader, scheduler }) {
const taskRunner = scheduler.createScheduledTaskRunner({
frequency: { minutes: 30 },
timeout: { minutes: 10 },
const frobs = new FrobsProvider('dev', reader, taskRunner);
const backend = createBackend();
// Other plugins ...
Follow-up: Config Defined Schedule
If you want to go a step further and increase the configurability of your new FrobsProvider
, you can define the schedule that the task runs at in app-config.yaml
instead of requiring code changes to adjust.
initialDelay: { seconds: 30 }
frequency: { hours: 1 }
timeout: { minutes: 50 }
This approach will also allow you to customize the schedule per environment. You can also add a schema to your config.
New Backend
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
export const catalogModuleFrobsProvider = createBackendModule({
pluginId: 'catalog',
moduleId: 'frobs-provider',
register(env) {
deps: {
// ... other deps
rootConfig: coreServices.rootConfig,
async init({ catalog, reader, scheduler, rootConfig }) {
const config = rootConfig.getConfig('catalog.providers.frobs-provider'); // Generally, catalog config goes under catalog.providers.pluginId
// Add a default schedule if you don't define one in config.
const schedule = config.has('schedule')
? readSchedulerServiceTaskScheduleDefinitionFromConfig(
: {
frequency: { minutes: 30 },
timeout: { minutes: 10 },
const taskRunner: SchedulerServiceTaskRunner =
// rest of your code
Old Backend
import { FrobsProvider } from '../path/to/class';
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
const config = env.config.getConfig('catalog.providers.frobs-provider'); // Generally, catalog config goes under catalog.providers.pluginId
// Add a default schedule if you don't define one in config.
const schedule = config.has('schedule')
? readSchedulerServiceTaskScheduleDefinitionFromConfig(
: {
frequency: { minutes: 30 },
timeout: { minutes: 10 },
const taskRunner = env.scheduler.createScheduledTaskRunner(schedule);
// ..
Example User Entity Provider
If you have a 3rd party entity provider such as an internal HR system that you wish to use you are not limited to using our entity providers, (or simply wish to add to existing entity providers with your own data).
We can create an entity provider to read entities that are based off that provider.
We create a basic entity provider as shown above. In the example below we might want to extract our users from an HR system, I am assuming the HR system already has the slackUserId to get that information please see the Slack Api.
import {
} from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-backend';
import { WebClient } from '@slack/web-api';
import { kebabCase } from 'lodash';
interface Staff {
displayName: string;
slackUserId: string;
jobTitle: string;
photoUrl: string;
address: string;
email: string;
export class UserEntityProvider implements EntityProvider {
private readonly getStaffUrl: string;
protected readonly slackTeam: string;
protected readonly slackToken: string;
protected connection?: EntityProviderConnection;
static fromConfig(config: Config, options: { logger: Logger }) {
const getStaffUrl = config.getString('staff.url');
const slackToken = config.getString('slack.token');
const slackTeam = config.getString('slack.team');
return new UserEntityProvider({
private constructor(options: {
getStaffUrl: string;
slackToken: string;
slackTeam: string;
}) {
this.getStaffUrl = options.getStaffUrl;
this.slackToken = options.slackToken;
this.slackTeam = options.slackTeam;
async getAllStaff(): Promise<Staff[]> {
return await axios.get(this.getStaffUrl);
public async connect(connection: EntityProviderConnection): Promise<void> {
this.connection = connection;
async run(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.connection) {
throw new Error('User Connection Not initialized');
const userResources: UserEntity[] = [];
const staff = await this.getAllStaff();
for (const user of staff) {
// we can add any links here in this case it would be adding a slack link to the users so you can directly slack them.
const links =
user.slackUserId != null && user.slackUserId.length > 0
? [
url: `slack://user?team=${this.slackTeam}&id=${user.slackUserId}`,
title: 'Slack',
icon: 'message',
: undefined;
const userEntity: UserEntity = {
kind: 'User',
apiVersion: 'backstage.io/v1alpha1',
metadata: {
annotations: {
[ANNOTATION_LOCATION]: 'hr-user-https://www.hrurl.com/',
[ANNOTATION_ORIGIN_LOCATION]: 'hr-user-https://www.hrurl.com/',
// name of the entity
name: kebabCase(user.displayName),
// name for display purposes could be anything including email
title: user.displayName,
spec: {
profile: {
displayName: user.displayName,
email: user.email,
picture: user.photoUrl,
memberOf: [],
await this.connection.applyMutation({
type: 'full',
entities: userResources.map(entity => ({
locationKey: 'hr-user-https://www.hrurl.com/',
Custom Processors
The other possible way of ingesting data into the catalog is through the use of location reading catalog processors.
Processors sit in the middle of the processing loops of the catalog. They are responsible for updating and finalizing unprocessed entities on their way to becoming final, stitched entities. They can also, crucially, emit other entities while doing so. Those then form branches of the entity tree.
Some defining traits of processors:
- You instantiate them using code in your backend, and pass them to the catalog builder. There's usually only one instance of each type, which then gets called many times over in parallel for all entities in the catalog.
- Their invocation is driven by the fixed processing loop. All processors are unconditionally repeatedly called for all entities. You cannot control this behavior, besides adjusting the frequency of the loop, which then applies equally to all processors.
- They cannot control in detail the entities that they emit, the only effective operation is upsert on their children. If they stop emitting a certain child, that child becomes marked as an orphan; no deletions are possible.
- Their input is an unprocessed entity, and their output is modifications to that same entity plus possibly some auxiliary data including unprocessed child entities.
Processors and the Ingestion Loop
The catalog holds a number of registered locations, that were added either by
site admins or by individual Backstage users. Their purpose is to reference some
sort of data that the catalog shall keep itself up to date with. Each location
has a type
, and a target
that are both strings.
# Example location
type: url
target: https://github.com/backstage/backstage/blob/master/catalog-info.yaml
The builtin catalog backend has an ingestion loop that periodically goes through all of these registered locations, and pushes them and their resulting output through the list of processors.
Processors are classes that the site admin has registered with the catalog at startup. They are at the heart of all catalog logic, and have the ability to read the contents of locations, modify in-flight entities that were read out of a location, perform validation, and more. The catalog comes with a set of builtin processors, that have the ability to read from a list of well known location types, to perform the basic processing needs, etc., but more can be added by the organization that adopts Backstage.
We will now show the process of creating a new processor and location type, which enables the ingestion of catalog data from an existing external API.
Deciding on the New Locations
The first step is to decide how we want to point at the system that holds our data. Let's assume that it is internally named System-X and can be reached through HTTP REST calls to its API.
Let's decide that our locations shall take the following form:
type: system-x
target: http://systemx.services.example.net/api/v2
It got its own made-up type
, and the target
conveniently points to the
actual API endpoint to talk to.
So now we have to make the catalog aware of such a location so that it can start feeding it into the ingestion loop. For this kind of an integration, you'd typically want to add it to the list of statically always-available locations in the config.
- type: system-x
target: http://systemx.services.example.net/api/v2
If you start up the backend now, it will start to periodically say that it could not find a processor that supports that location. So let's make a processor that does so!
Creating a Catalog Data Reader Processor
The recommended way of instantiating the catalog backend classes is to use the
, as illustrated in the
example backend here.
We will create a new
subclass that can be added to this catalog builder.
It is up to you where you put the code for this new processor class. For quick
experimentation you could place it in your backend package, but we recommend
putting all extensions like this in a backend module package of their own in the
folder of your Backstage repo:
yarn new --select backend-module --option pluginId=catalog
The class will have this basic structure:
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node';
import { UrlReaderService } from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { LocationSpec } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-common';
// A processor that reads from the fictional System-X
export class SystemXReaderProcessor implements CatalogProcessor {
constructor(private readonly reader: UrlReaderService) {}
getProcessorName(): string {
return 'SystemXReaderProcessor';
async readLocation(
location: LocationSpec,
_optional: boolean,
emit: CatalogProcessorEmit,
): Promise<boolean> {
// Pick a custom location type string. A location will be
// registered later with this type.
if (location.type !== 'system-x') {
return false;
try {
// Use the builtin reader facility to grab data from the
// API. If you prefer, you can just use plain fetch here,
// or any other method of your choosing.
const response = await this.reader.readUrl(location.target);
const json = JSON.parse((await response.buffer()).toString());
// Repeatedly call emit(processingResult.entity(location, <entity>))
} catch (error) {
const message = `Unable to read ${location.type}, ${error}`;
emit(processingResult.generalError(location, message));
return true;
The key points to note are:
- Make a class that implements
- Only act on location types that you care about, and leave the rest alone by
- Read the data from the external system in any way you see fit. Use the
field if you designed it as mentioned above - Call
any number of times with the results of that process - Finally return
You should now be able to add this class to your backend in
import { SystemXReaderProcessor } from '../path/to/class';
export default async function createPlugin(
env: PluginEnvironment,
): Promise<Router> {
const builder = CatalogBuilder.create(env);
builder.addProcessor(new SystemXReaderProcessor(env.reader));
// ..
Start up the backend - it should now start reading from the previously registered location and you'll see your entities start to appear in Backstage.
Installing Processor Using New Backend System
To install the processor using the new backend system you will need to create a module and add it to your backend. The following is a very simplified example of what that would look like:
import { createBackend } from '@backstage/backend-defaults';
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { catalogProcessingExtensionPoint } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node/alpha';
import { SystemXReaderProcessor } from '../path/to/class';
export const catalogModuleSystemXReaderProcessor = createBackendModule({
pluginId: 'catalog',
moduleId: 'system-x-reader-processor',
register(env) {
deps: {
catalog: catalogProcessingExtensionPoint,
reader: coreServices.urlReader,
async init({ catalog, reader }) {
catalog.addProcessor(new SystemXReaderProcessor(reader));
const backend = createBackend();
// Other plugins ...
Caching processing results
The catalog periodically refreshes entities in the catalog, and in doing so it calls out to external systems to fetch changes. This can be taxing for upstream services and large deployments may get rate limited if too many requests are sent. Luckily many external systems provide ETag support to check for changes which usually doesn't count towards the quota and saves resources both internally and externally.
The catalog has built in support for leveraging ETags when refreshing external
locations in GitHub. This example aims to demonstrate how to add the same
behavior for system-x
that we implemented earlier.
import { Entity } from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import { UrlReaderService } from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node';
// It's recommended to always bump the CACHE_KEY version if you make
// changes to the processor implementation or CacheItem.
const CACHE_KEY = 'v1';
// Our cache item contains the ETag used in the upstream request
// as well as the processing result used when the Etag matches.
// Bump the CACHE_KEY version if you make any changes to this type.
type CacheItem = {
etag: string;
entity: Entity;
export class SystemXReaderProcessor implements CatalogProcessor {
constructor(private readonly reader: UrlReaderService) {}
getProcessorName() {
// The processor name must be unique.
return 'system-x-processor';
async readLocation(
location: LocationSpec,
_optional: boolean,
emit: CatalogProcessorEmit,
_parser: CatalogProcessorParser,
cache: CatalogProcessorCache,
): Promise<boolean> {
// Pick a custom location type string. A location will be
// registered later with this type.
if (location.type !== 'system-x') {
return false;
const cacheItem = await cache.get<CacheItem>(CACHE_KEY);
try {
// This assumes an URL reader that returns the response together with the ETag.
// We send the ETag from the previous run if it exists.
// The previous ETag will be set in the headers for the outgoing request and system-x
// is going to throw NOT_MODIFIED (HTTP 304) if the ETag matches.
const response = await this.reader.readUrl(location.target, {
etag: cacheItem?.etag,
if (!response) {
// readUrl is currently optional to implement so we have to check if we get a response back.
throw new Error(
'No URL reader that can parse system-x targets installed',
// ETag is optional in the response but we need it to cache the result.
if (!response.etag) {
throw new Error(
'No ETag returned from system-x, cannot use response for caching',
// For this example the JSON payload is a single entity.
const entity: Entity = JSON.parse((await response.buffer()).toString());
emit(processingResult.entity(location, entity));
// Update the cache with the new ETag and entity used for the next run.
await cache.set<CacheItem>(CACHE_KEY, {
etag: response.etag,
} catch (error) {
if (error.name === 'NotModifiedError' && cacheItem) {
// The ETag matches and we have a cached value from the previous run.
emit(processingResult.entity(location, cacheItem.entity));
} else {
const message = `Unable to read ${location.type}, ${error}`;
emit(processingResult.generalError(location, message));
return true;
Supporting different metadata file formats
Sometimes you might already have files in GitHub or some provider that Backstage already supports but the metadata format that you use is not the same as catalog-info.yaml
files. In this case you can implement a custom parser that can read the files and convert them on-the-fly to the Entity
format that Backstage expects, and it will integrate seamlessly into Catalog so that you can use things like the GithubEntityProvider
to read these files.
What you will need to do is to provide a custom CatalogProcessorParser
and provide that to builder.setEntityDataParser
Let's say my format looks something like this:
id: my-service
type: service
author: user@backstage.com
We need to build a custom parser that can read this format and convert it to the Entity
format that Backstage expects.
import {
} from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node';
import yaml from 'yaml';
import {
} from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import _ from 'lodash';
import parseGitUrl from 'git-url-parse';
// This implementation will map whatever your own format is into valid Entity objects.
const makeEntityFromCustomFormatJson = (
component: { id: string; type: string; author: string },
location: LocationSpec,
): Entity => {
return {
apiVersion: 'backstage.io/v1alpha1',
kind: 'Component',
metadata: {
name: component.id,
namespace: 'default',
annotations: {
[ANNOTATION_LOCATION]: `${location.type}:${location.target}`,
[ANNOTATION_ORIGIN_LOCATION]: `${location.type}:${location.target}`,
spec: {
type: component.type,
owner: component.author,
lifecycle: 'experimental',
export const customEntityDataParser: CatalogProcessorParser = async function* ({
}) {
let documents: yaml.Document.Parsed[];
try {
// let's treat the incoming file always as yaml, you can of course change this if your format is not yaml.
documents = yaml.parseAllDocuments(data.toString('utf8')).filter(d => d);
} catch (e) {
// if we failed to parse as yaml throw some errors.
const loc = stringifyLocationRef(location);
const message = `Failed to parse YAML at ${loc}, ${e}`;
yield processingResult.generalError(location, message);
for (const document of documents) {
// If there's errors parsing the document as yaml, we should throw an error.
if (document.errors?.length) {
const loc = stringifyLocationRef(location);
const message = `YAML error at ${loc}, ${document.errors[0]}`;
yield processingResult.generalError(location, message);
} else {
// Convert the document to JSON
const json = document.toJSON();
if (_.isPlainObject(json)) {
// Is this a catalog-info.yaml file?
if (json.apiVersion) {
yield processingResult.entity(location, json as Entity);
} else {
// let's treat this like it's our custom format instead.
yield processingResult.entity(
makeEntityFromCustomFormatJson(json, location),
} else if (json === null) {
// Ignore null values, these happen if there is an empty document in the
// YAML file, for example if --- is added to the end of the file.
} else {
// We don't support this format.
const message = `Expected object at root, got ${typeof json}`;
yield processingResult.generalError(location, message);
This is a lot of code right now, as this is a pretty niche use-case, so we don't currently provide many helpers for you to be able to provide custom implementations easier or to compose together different parsers.
You then should be able to provide this customEntityDataParser
to the CatalogBuilder
import { customEntityDataParser } from '../lib/customEntityDataParser';
Using Custom Entity Data Parser with New Backend System
To use a custom entity data parse with the new backend system you will need to create a module and add it to your backend. The following is a very simplified example of what that would look like:
import { createBackend } from '@backstage/backend-defaults';
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { catalogModelExtensionPoint } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-node/alpha';
import { customEntityDataParser } from '../lib/customEntityDataParser';
export const catalogModuleCustomDataParser = createBackendModule({
pluginId: 'catalog',
moduleId: 'custom-data-parser',
register(env) {
deps: {
catalog: catalogModelExtensionPoint,
reader: coreServices.urlReader,
async init({ catalog, reader }) {
const backend = createBackend();
// Other plugins ...
Incremental Entity Provider
For large data sources that may not fit into memory but support pagination, the Incremental Entity Provider offers an efficient way to ingest data incrementally, handling deletions and updates seamlessly while minimizing memory usage.
You can find more details about why it was created and its requirements.
withyarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-incremental-ingestion
from the Backstage root directory. -
Add the following code to the
const backend = createBackend();
Writing an Incremental Entity Provider
To create an Incremental Entity Provider, you need to know how to retrieve a single page of data from an API with pagination. The IncrementalEntityProvider
facilitates this by requiring:
- getProviderName: A unique name to avoid conflicts with other providers.
- next: Fetches a specific page of entities, moving the cursor forward.
- around: Handles setup and tear-down, wrapping the process that iterates through multiple pages.
For more information on compatibility, refer to the requirements.
In this tutorial, we'll implement an Incremental Entity Provider that interacts with an imaginary API to fetch a list of imaginary services.
interface MyApiClient {
getServices(page: number): MyPaginatedResults<Service>;
interface MyPaginatedResults<T> {
items: T[];
totalPages: number;
interface Service {
name: string;
These are the only 3 methods that you need to implement. getProviderName()
is pretty self-explanatory and it's identical to the getProviderName()
method on a regular Entity Provider.
import { IncrementalEntityProvider } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-incremental-ingestion';
// This will include your pagination information, let's say our API accepts a `page` parameter.
// In this case, the cursor will include `page`
interface Cursor {
page: number;
// This interface describes the type of data that will be passed to your burst function.
interface Context {
apiClient: MyApiClient;
export class MyIncrementalEntityProvider
implements IncrementalEntityProvider<Cursor, Context>
getProviderName() {
return `MyIncrementalEntityProvider`;
method is used for setup and tear-down. For example, if you need to create a client that will connect to the API, you would do that here.
export class MyIncrementalEntityProvider
implements IncrementalEntityProvider<Cursor, Context>
getProviderName() {
return `MyIncrementalEntityProvider`;
async around(burst: (context: Context) => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
const apiClient = new MyApiClient();
await burst({ apiClient });
// If you need to do any teardown, you can do it here.
If you need to pass a token to your API, then you can create a constructor that will receive a token and use the token to setup the client.
export class MyIncrementalEntityProvider
implements IncrementalEntityProvider<Cursor, Context>
private readonly token: string;
constructor(token: string) {
this.token = token;
getProviderName() {
return `MyIncrementalEntityProvider`;
async around(burst: (context: Context) => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
const apiClient = new MyApiClient(this.token);
await burst({ apiClient });
The last step is to implement the actual next
method that will accept the cursor, call the API, process the result and return the result.
import {
} from '@backstage/catalog-model';
import { IncrementalEntityProvider } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-incremental-ingestion';
export class MyIncrementalEntityProvider
implements IncrementalEntityProvider<Cursor, Context>
private readonly token: string;
private readonly mySource: string;
constructor(token: string, mySource: string) {
this.token = token;
this.mySource = mySource;
getProviderName() {
return `MyIncrementalEntityProvider`;
async around(burst: (context: Context) => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
const apiClient = new MyApiClient(this.token);
await burst({ apiClient });
async next(
context: Context,
cursor: Cursor = { page: 1 },
): Promise<EntityIteratorResult<Cursor>> {
const { apiClient } = context;
const location = `${this.getProviderName()}:${this.mySource}`;
// call your API with the current cursor
const data = await apiClient.getServices(cursor);
// calculate the next page
const nextPage = page + 1;
// figure out if there are any more pages to fetch
const done = nextPage > data.totalPages;
// convert returned items into entities
const entities = data.items.map(item => ({
entity: {
apiVersion: 'backstage.io/v1beta1',
kind: 'Component',
metadata: {
name: item.name,
annotations: {
// You need to define these, otherwise they'll fail validation
spec: {
type: 'service',
lifecycle: 'production', // Ideally your source has this information
owner: 'unknown', // Ideally your source has this information
// create the next cursor
const nextCursor = {
page: nextPage,
return {
cursor: nextCursor,
Now that you have your new Incremental Entity Provider, we can connect it to the catalog.
Installing the Incremental Entity Provider
We'll assume you followed the Installation instructions. Now create a module inside packages/backend/src/extensions/catalogCustomIncrementalIngestion.ts
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-plugin-api';
import { incrementalIngestionProvidersExtensionPoint } from '@backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-incremental-ingestion/alpha';
export const catalogModuleCustomIncrementalIngestionProvider =
pluginId: 'catalog',
moduleId: 'custom-incremental-ingestion-provider',
register(env) {
deps: {
incrementalBuilder: incrementalIngestionProvidersExtensionPoint,
config: coreServices.rootConfig,
async init({ incrementalBuilder, config }) {
// Assuming the token for the API comes from config
const token = config.getString('myApiClient.token');
const myEntityProvider = new MyIncrementalEntityProvider(token);
const options = {
// How long should it attempt to read pages from the API in a
// single burst? Keep this short. The Incremental Entity Provider
// will attempt to read as many pages as it can in this time
burstLength: { seconds: 3 },
// How long should it wait between bursts?
burstInterval: { seconds: 3 },
// How long should it rest before re-ingesting again?
restLength: { day: 1 },
// Optional back-off configuration - how long should it wait to retry
// in the event of an error?
backoff: [
{ seconds: 5 },
{ seconds: 30 },
{ minutes: 10 },
{ hours: 3 },
// Optional. Use this to prevent removal of entities above a given
// percentage. This can be helpful if a data source is flaky and
// sometimes returns a successful status, but fewer than expected
// assets to add or maintain in the catalog.
rejectRemovalsAbovePercentage: 5,
// Optional. Similar to rejectRemovalsAbovePercentage, except it
// applies to complete, 100% failure of a data source. If true,
// a data source that returns a successful status but does not
// provide any assets to turn into entities will have its empty
// data set rejected.
rejectEmptySourceCollections: true,
provider: myEntityProvider,
Add the module to packages/backend/src/index.ts
import { catalogModuleCustomIncrementalIngestionProvider } from './extensions/catalogCustomIncrementalIngestion';
const backend = createBackend();
For a deep dive into the technical details of the Incremental Entity Provider, see the README.