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Search How-To guides

How to implement your own Search API

The Search plugin provides implementation of one primary API by default: the SearchApi, which is responsible for talking to the search-backend to query search results.

There may be occasions where you need to implement this API yourself, to customize it to your own needs - for example if you have your own search backend that you want to talk to. The purpose of this guide is to walk you through how to do that in two steps.

  1. Implement the SearchApi interface according to your needs.

    export class SearchClient implements SearchApi {
    // your implementation
  2. Override the API ref searchApiRef with your new implemented API in the App.tsx using ApiFactories. Read more about App APIs.

    const app = createApp({
    apis: [
    // SearchApi
    api: searchApiRef,
    deps: { discovery: discoveryApiRef },
    factory({ discovery }) {
    return new SearchClient({ discoveryApi: discovery });

How to customize fields in the Software Catalog or TechDocs index

Sometimes, you might want to have the ability to control which data passes into the search index in the catalog collator or customize data for a specific kind. You can easily achieve this by passing an entityTransformer callback to the DefaultCatalogCollatorFactory. This behavior is also possible for the DefaultTechDocsCollatorFactory. You can either simply amend the default behavior or even write an entirely new document (which should still follow some required basic structure).

authorization and location cannot be modified via a entityTransformer, location can be modified only through locationTemplate.

const catalogEntityTransformer: CatalogCollatorEntityTransformer = (
entity: Entity,
) => {
if (entity.kind === 'SomeKind') {
return {
// customize here output for 'SomeKind' kind

return {
// and customize default output
text: 'my super cool text',

collator: DefaultCatalogCollatorFactory.fromConfig(env.config, {
discovery: env.discovery,
tokenManager: env.tokenManager,
entityTransformer: catalogEntityTransformer,

const techDocsEntityTransformer: TechDocsCollatorEntityTransformer = (
entity: Entity,
) => {
return {
// add more fields to the index
tags: entity.metadata.tags,

collator: DefaultTechDocsCollatorFactory.fromConfig(env.config, {
discovery: env.discovery,
tokenManager: env.tokenManager,
entityTransformer: techDocsEntityTransformer,

How to limit what can be searched in the Software Catalog

The Software Catalog includes a wealth of information about the components, systems, groups, users, and other aspects of your software ecosystem. However, you may not always want every aspect to appear when a user searches the catalog. Examples include:

  • Entities of kind Location, which are often not useful to Backstage users.
  • Entities of kind User or Group, if you'd prefer that users and groups be exposed to search in a different way (or not at all).

It's possible to write your own Collator to control exactly what's available to search, (or a Decorator to filter things out here and there), but the DefaultCatalogCollator that's provided by @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend offers some configuration too!

defaultRefreshIntervalSeconds: 600,
collator: DefaultCatalogCollator.fromConfig(env.config, {
discovery: env.discovery,
tokenManager: env.tokenManager,
filter: {
kind: ['API', 'Component', 'Domain', 'Group', 'System', 'User'],

As shown above, you can add a catalog entity filter to narrow down what catalog entities are indexed by the search engine.

How to customize search results highlighting styling

The default highlighting styling for matched terms in search results is your browsers default styles for the <mark> HTML tag. If you want to customize how highlighted terms look you can follow Backstage's guide on how to Customize the look-and-feel of your App to create an override with your preferred styling.

For example, the following will result in highlighted terms to be bold & underlined:

const highlightOverride = {
BackstageHighlightedSearchResultText: {
highlight: {
color: 'inherit',
backgroundColor: 'inherit',
fontWeight: 'bold',
textDecoration: 'underline',

How to render search results using extensions

Extensions for search results let you customize components used to render search result items, It is possible to provide your own search result item extensions or use the ones provided by plugin packages.

1. Providing an extension in your plugin package

Note: You must use the plugin.provide() function to make a search item renderer available. Unlike rendering a list in a standard MUI Table or similar, you cannot simply provide a rendering function to the <SearchResult /> component.

Using the example below, you can provide an extension to be used as a search result item:

import { createPlugin } from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { createSearchResultListItemExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-search-react';

const plugin = createPlugin({ id: 'YOUR_PLUGIN_ID' });

export const YourSearchResultListItemExtension = plugin.provide(
name: 'YourSearchResultListItem',
component: () =>
import('./components').then(m => m.YourSearchResultListItem),

If your list item accept props, you can extend the SearchResultListItemExtensionProps with your component specific props:

export const YourSearchResultListItemExtension: (
props: SearchResultListItemExtensionProps<YourSearchResultListItemProps>,
) => JSX.Element | null = plugin.provide(
name: 'YourSearchResultListItem',
component: () =>
import('./components').then(m => m.YourSearchResultListItem),

Additionally, you can define a predicate function that receives a result and returns whether your extension should be used to render it or not:

import { createPlugin } from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';
import { createSearchResultListItemExtension } from '@backstage/plugin-search-react';

const plugin = createPlugin({ id: 'YOUR_PLUGIN_ID' });

export const YourSearchResultListItemExtension = plugin.provide(
name: 'YourSearchResultListItem',
component: () =>
import('./components').then(m => m.YourSearchResultListItem),
// Only results matching your type will be rendered by this extension
predicate: result => result.type === 'YOUR_RESULT_TYPE',

Remember to export your new extension via your plugin's index.ts so that it is available from within your app:

export { YourSearchResultListItem } from './plugin.ts';

For more details, see the createSearchResultListItemExtension API reference.

2. Custom search result extension in the SearchPage

Once you have exposed your item renderer via the plugin.provide() function, you can now override the default search item renderers and tell the <SearchResult> component which renderers to use. Note that the order of the renderers matters! The first one that matches via its predicate function will be used.

Here is an example of customizing your SearchPage:

import React from 'react';

import { Grid, Paper } from '@material-ui/core';
import BuildIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Build';

import {
} from '@backstage/core-components';
import { SearchBar, SearchResult } from '@backstage/plugin-search-react';

// Your search result item extension
import { YourSearchResultListItem } from '@backstage/your-plugin';

// Extensions provided by other plugin developers
import { ToolSearchResultListItem } from '@backstage/plugin-explore';
import { TechDocsSearchResultListItem } from '@backstage/plugin-techdocs';
import { CatalogSearchResultListItem } from '@internal/plugin-catalog-customized';

// This example omits other components, like filter and pagination
const SearchPage = () => (
<Page themeId="home">
<Header title="Search" />
<Grid container direction="row">
<Grid item xs={12}>
<SearchBar />
<Grid item xs={12}>
<YourSearchResultListItem />
<CatalogSearchResultListItem icon={<CatalogIcon />} />
<TechDocsSearchResultListItem icon={<DocsIcon />} />
<ToolSearchResultListItem icon={<BuildIcon />} />

export const searchPage = <SearchPage />;

Important: A default result item extension (one that does not have a predicate) should be placed as the last child, so it can be used only when no other extensions match the result being rendered. If a non-default extension is specified, the DefaultResultListItem component will be used.

2. Custom search result extension in the SidebarSearchModal

You may be using the SidebarSearchModal component. In this case, you can customize the search items in this component as follows:

import { SidebarSearchModal } from '@backstage/plugin-search';
export const Root = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => {
const styles = useStyles();

return <SidebarPage>
<SidebarSearchModal resultItemComponents={[
/* Provide a custom Extension search item renderer */
<CustomSearchResultListItem icon={<CatalogIcon />} />,
/* Provide an existing search item renderer */
<TechDocsSearchResultListItem icon={<DocsIcon />} />
]} />

3. Custom search result extension in a custom SearchModal

Assuming you have completely customized your SearchModal, here's an example that renders results with extensions:

import React from 'react';

import { DialogContent, DialogTitle, Paper } from '@material-ui/core';
import BuildIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Build';

import { DocsIcon, CatalogIcon } from '@backstage/core-components';
import { SearchBar, SearchResult } from '@backstage/plugin-search-react';

// Your search result item extension
import { YourSearchResultListItem } from '@backstage/your-plugin';

// Extensions provided by other plugin developers
import { ToolSearchResultListItem } from '@backstage/plugin-explore';
import { TechDocsSearchResultListItem } from '@backstage/plugin-techdocs';
import { CatalogSearchResultListItem } from '@internal/plugin-catalog-customized';

export const SearchModal = ({ toggleModal }: { toggleModal: () => void }) => (
<SearchBar />
<SearchResult onClick={toggleModal}>
<CatalogSearchResultListItem icon={<CatalogIcon />} />
<TechDocsSearchResultListItem icon={<DocsIcon />} />
<ToolSearchResultListItem icon={<BuildIcon />} />
{/* As a "default" extension, it does not define a predicate function,
so it must be the last child to render results that do not match the above extensions */}
<YourSearchResultListItem />

There are other more specific search results layout components that also accept result item extensions, check their documentation: SearchResultList and SearchResultGroup.