Testing Backend Plugins and Modules
Utilities for testing backend plugins and modules are available in
. This section describes those facilities.
Testing Backend Plugins and Modules
To facilitate testing of backend plugins and modules, the
package provides a startTestBackend
which starts up an entire backend harness, complete with a number of mock
services. You can then provide overrides for services whose behavior you need to
adjust for the test run. The function also accepts a number of features (a
collective term for backend plugins and
modules), that are the subjects of the test.
The function returns an HTTP server instance which can be used together with
e.g. supertest
to easily test the actual REST service surfaces of plugins who
register routes with the HTTP router service API.
import { mockServices, startTestBackend } from '@backstage/backend-test-utils';
import request from 'supertest';
import { myPlugin } from './plugin.ts';
describe('myPlugin', () => {
it('can serve values from config', async () => {
const fakeConfig = { myPlugin: { value: 7 } };
const mockLogger = mockServices.logger.mock();
const { server } = await startTestBackend({
features: [
mockServices.rootConfig.factory({ data: fakeConfig }),
const response = await request(server).get('/api/example/get-value');
expect(response.body).toEqual({ value: 7 });
expect(mockLogger.info).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Starting myPlugin');
This example shows how to access the mock service factories and pass options to them, which will override the default mock services.
The returned server also has a port()
method which returns the dynamically
bound listening port. You can use this to perform lower level network
interactions with the running test service.
mock services
The mockServices
object from @backstage/backend-test-utils
provides service factory functions, and mocks for all core services that you can use to verify interactions between plugin and services.
All mock services provide a factory function that is sufficient for most tests. Here's an example:
const fakeConfig = { myPlugin: { value: 7 } };
const { server } = await startTestBackend({
features: [
// Will provide access to the default urlReaders automatically.
// Some factories accept options, in this example we provide some fake config.
mockServices.rootConfig.factory({ data: fakeConfig }),
There might be situations where you want to mock a service implementation to verify interactions, in those cases you can use the mock
function to get a mock object that you can interact with. Here's an example:
import { mockServices, startTestBackend } from '@backstage/backend-test-utils';
import { myPlugin } from './plugin.ts';
describe('myPlugin', () => {
it('should call use UrlReader', async () => {
const mockReader = mockServices.urlReader.mock();
await startTestBackend({
features: [myPlugin(), mockReader],
it('should call use UrlReader again', async () => {
const partialImpl = jest.fn();
await startTestBackend({
features: [
// You could also supply partial implementations to the mock function.
mockServices.urlReader.mock({ readUrl: partialImpl }),
Available services:
Testing Remote Service Interactions
If your backend plugin or service interacts with external services using HTTP
calls, we recommend leveraging the msw
package to intercept actual outgoing
requests and return mock responses. This lets you stub out remote services
rather than the local clients, leading to more thorough and robust tests. You
can read more about how it works in their documentation.
The @backstage/backend-test-utils
package exports a registerMswTestHooks
function which ensures that the correct jest
lifecycle hooks are invoked to
set up and tear down your msw
instance, and enables the option that completely
rejects requests that don't match one of your mock rules. This ensures that your
tests cannot accidentally leak traffic into production from tests.
import { registerMswTestHooks } from '@backstage/backend-test-utils';
import { rest } from 'msw';
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node';
describe('read from remote', () => {
const worker = setupServer();
it('should auth and read successfully', async () => {
rest.get('https://remote-server.com/api/v3/foo', (req, res, ctx) => {
expect(req.headers.get('authorization')).toBe('Bearer fake');
return res(
ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
ctx.body(JSON.stringify({ value: 7 })),
// exercise your plugin or service as usual, with real clients
Testing Database Interactions
The @backstage/backend-test-utils
package includes facilities for testing your
plugins' interactions with databases, including spinning up testcontainers
powered Docker images with real database engines to connect to.
The base setup for such a test could look as follows:
// MyDatabaseClass.test.ts
import { TestDatabaseId, TestDatabases } from '@backstage/backend-test-utils';
import { MyDatabaseClass, type FooTableRow } from './MyDatabaseClass';
describe('MyDatabaseClass', () => {
// Change this to the set of constants that you actually actively intend to
// support. This create call must be made inside a describe block. Make sure
// to create only one TestDatabases instance per file, since spinning up
// "physical" databases to test against is much costlier than creating the
// "logical" databases within them that the individual tests use.
const databases = TestDatabases.create({
ids: ['POSTGRES_17', 'POSTGRES_13', 'SQLITE_3', 'MYSQL_8'],
// Just an example of how to conveniently bundle up the setup code
async function createSubject(databaseId: TestDatabaseId) {
const knex = await databases.init(databaseId);
const subject = new MyDatabaseClass({ database: knex });
await subject.runMigrations();
return { knex, subject };
describe('foo', () => {
// Easily run the exact same test onto all supported databases
'should run foo on %p',
async databaseId => {
const { knex, subject } = await createSubject(databaseId);
// raw knex is available for underlying manipulation
await knex<FooTableRow>('foo').insert({ value: 2 });
// drive your system under test as usual
await expect(subject.foos()).resolves.toEqual([{ value: 2 }]);
If you want to pass the test database instance into backend plugins or services,
you can supply it in the form of a mock instance of coreServices.database
your test database.
const { knex, subject } = await createSubject(databaseId);
const { server } = await startTestBackend({
features: [myPlugin(), mockServices.database.factory({ knex })],
When running locally, the tests only run against SQLite for the sake of speed.
When the CI
environment variable is set, all given database engines are used.
If you do not want or are unable to use docker based database engines, e.g. if
your CI environment is able to supply databases natively, the TestDatabases
support custom connection strings through the use of environment variables that
it'll take into account when present.
Testing Service Factories
To facilitate testing of service factories, the @backstage/backend-test-utils
package provides a ServiceFactoryTester
helper that lets you instantiate services
in a controlled context.
The following example shows how to test a service factory where we also provide
a mocked implementation of the rootConfig
import {
} from '@backstage/backend-test-utils';
import { myServiceFactory } from './myServiceFactory.ts';
describe('myServiceFactory', () => {
it('should provide value', async () => {
const fakeConfig = { myConfiguredValue: 7 };
const tester = ServiceFactoryTester.from(myServiceFactory, {
dependencies: [mockServices.rootConfig.factory({ data: fakeConfig })],
const myService = await tester.get('test-plugin');
The service factory tester also provides mocked implementations of the majority of all core services by default.