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Service to Service Auth


This documentation is written for the old backend which has been replaced by the new backend system, being the default since Backstage version 1.24. If have migrated to the new backend system, you may want to read its own article instead. Otherwise, consider migrating!

This article describes the steps needed to introduce service-to-service auth (formerly backend-to-backend auth). This allows plugin backends to determine whether a given request originates from a legitimate Backstage plugin (or other external caller), by requiring a special type of service-to-service token which is signed with a shared secret.

When enabling this protection on your Backstage backend plugins, for example the catalog, other callers in the ecosystem such as the search indexer and scaffolder would need to present a valid token to the catalog to be able to request its contents.


In a newly created Backstage app, the backend is setup up to not require any auth at all. This means that generated service-to-service tokens are empty, and that incoming requests are not validated. If you want to enable service-to-service auth, the first step is to switch out the following line in your backend setup at packages/backend/src/index.ts:

const tokenManager = ServerTokenManager.noop();
const tokenManager = ServerTokenManager.fromConfig(config, { logger: root });

By switching from the no-op ServiceTokenManager to one created from config, you enable service-to-service auth for any plugin that implements it. The local development setup will generally not be impacted by this, as temporary keys are generated under the hood. But for the production setup, this means you must now provide a shared secret that enables your backend plugins to communicate with each other.

Backstage service-to-service tokens are currently always signed with a single secret key. It needs to be shared across all backend plugins and services that ones wishes to communicate across. The key can be any base64 encoded secret. The following command can be used to generate such a key in a terminal:

node -p 'require("crypto").randomBytes(24).toString("base64")'

Then place it in the backend configuration, either as a direct value or injected as an env variable.

# commonly in your app-config.production.yaml
- secret: <the string returned by the above crypto command>
# - secret: ${BACKEND_SECRET} - if you want to use an env variable instead

NOTE: For ease of development, we auto-generate a key for you if you haven't configured a secret in dev mode. You must set your own secret in order for service-to-service auth to work in production; the ServiceTokenManager will throw an exception in production if it has no keys to work with, which will lead to the backend failing to start up.

Usage in Backend Plugins

There are a few steps if you want to make use of the service-to-service auth in your own backend plugin. First you need to add the TokenManager dependency to the createRouter options. Typically as tokenManager: TokenManager. Along with this you'll need to ask users to start providing this new dependency in their backend setup code.

Once the TokenManager is available, you use the .getToken() method to generate a new token for any outgoing requests towards other Backstage backend plugins. This method should be called for every request that you make; do not store the token for later use. The TokenManager implementations should already cache tokens as needed. The returned token should then be added as a Bearer token for the upstream request, for example:

const { token } = await this.tokenManager.getToken();

const response = await fetch(pluginBackendApiUrl, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,

To authenticate an incoming request you use the .authenticate(token) method. At the time of writing this method doesn't return anything, it will simply throw if the token is invalid.

await tokenManager.authenticate(token); // throws if token is invalid

Usage in External Callers

If you have enabled server-to-server auth, you may be interested in generating tokens in code that is external to Backstage itself. External callers may even be written in other languages than Node.js. This section explains how to generate a valid token yourself.

The token must be a JWT with a HS256 signature, using the raw base64 decoded value of the configured key as the secret. It must also have the following payload:

  • sub: "backstage-server" (only this value supported currently)
  • exp: one hour from the time it was generated, in epoch seconds

NOTE: The JWT must encode the alg header as a protected header, such as with setProtectedHeader.

Granular Access Control

We plan to build out the service-to-service auth to be much more powerful in the future, but before that is done there are a few tricks you can use with the current system to harden your deployments. This section assumes that you have already split your backend plugins into more than one backend deployment, in order to scale or isolate them.

The backend auth configuration has support for providing multiple keys, for example:

- secret: my-secret-key-1
- secret: my-secret-key-2
- secret: my-secret-key-3

The first key will be used for signing requests, while all of the keys will be used for validation. This means that you can set up an asymmetric configuration where some backend deployments do not have access to each other.

For example, consider the case where we have split up the catalog, scaffolder, and search plugin into three separate backend deployments. We can use the following configurations to allow both the scaffolder and search plugin to speak to the catalog, but not the other way around, and to not allow any communication between the scaffolder and search plugins.

# catalog config
- secret: my-secret-key-catalog
- secret: my-secret-key-scaffolder
- secret: my-secret-key-search

# scaffolder config
- secret: my-secret-key-scaffolder

# search config
- secret: my-secret-key-search