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Utility APIs


Backstage plugins strive to be self-contained, with as much functionality as possible residing within the plugin itself and its backend APIs. There will, however, always be a need for plugins to communicate outside of their boundaries, both with other plugins and with the app itself.

Backstage provides two primary methods for plugins to communicate across their boundaries in client-side code. The first one being the createPlugin API along with the extensions that it can provide, and the second one being Utility APIs. While the createPlugin API is focused on the initialization plugins and the app, the Utility APIs provide ways for plugins to communicate during their entire life cycle.

Consuming APIs

Each Utility API is tied to an ApiRef instance, which is a global singleton object without any additional state or functionality, its only purpose is to reference Utility APIs. ApiRefs are created using createApiRef, which is exported by @backstage/core-plugin-api. There are also many predefined Utility APIs in @backstage/core-plugin-api, and they're all exported with a name of the pattern *ApiRef, for example errorApiRef.

To access one of the Utility APIs inside a React component, use the useApi hook exported by @backstage/core-plugin-api, or the withApis HOC if you prefer class components. For example, the ErrorApi can be accessed like this:

import React from 'react';
import { useApi, errorApiRef } from '@backstage/core-plugin-api';

export const MyComponent = () => {
const errorApi = useApi(errorApiRef);

// Signal to the app that something went wrong, and display the error to the user.
const handleError = error => {;

// the rest of the component ...

Note that there is no explicit type given for ErrorApi. This is because the errorApiRef has the type embedded, and useApi is able to infer the type.

Also note that consuming Utility APIs is not limited to plugins; it can be done from any component inside Backstage, including the ones in @backstage/core-plugin-api. The only requirement is that they are beneath the AppProvider in the react tree.

Supplying APIs

API Factories

APIs are registered in the form of ApiFactory instances, which encapsulate the process of instantiating an API. It is a collection of three things: the ApiRef of the API to instantiate, a list of all required dependencies, and a factory function that returns a new API instance.

For example, this is the default ApiFactory for the ErrorApi:

api: errorApiRef,
deps: { alertApi: alertApiRef },
factory: ({ alertApi }) => {
const errorApi = new ErrorAlerter(alertApi, new ErrorApiForwarder());
UnhandledErrorForwarder.forward(errorApi, { hidden: false });
return errorApi;

In this example, the errorApiRef is our API, which encapsulates the ErrorApi type. The alertApiRef is our single dependency, which we give the name alertApi, and is then passed on to the factory function, which returns an implementation of the ErrorApi.

The createApiFactory function is a thin wrapper that enables TypeScript type inference. You may notice that there are no type annotations in the above example, and that is because we're able to infer all types from the ApiRefs. TypeScript will make sure that the return value of the factory function matches the type embedded in api's ApiRef, in this case the ErrorApi. It will also match the types between the deps and the parameters of the factory function, again using the type embedded within the ApiRefs.

Registering API Factories

The responsibility for adding Utility APIs to a Backstage app lies in three different locations: the Backstage core library, each plugin included in the app, and the app itself.

Core APIs

Starting with the Backstage core library, it provides implementations for all of the core APIs. The core APIs are the ones exported by @backstage/core-plugin-api, such as the errorApiRef and configApiRef.

The core APIs are loaded for any app created with createApp from @backstage/core-plugin-api, which means that there is no step that needs to be taken to include these APIs in an app.

Plugin APIs

In addition to the core APIs, plugins can define and export their own APIs. While doing so, they should usually also provide default implementations of their own APIs; for example, the catalog plugin exports catalogApiRef and also supplies a default ApiFactory of that API using the CatalogClient. There is one restriction to plugin-provided API Factories: plugins may not supply factories for core APIs; trying to do so will cause the app to refuse to start.

Plugins supply their APIs through the apis option of createPlugin, for example:

export const techdocsPlugin = createPlugin({
id: 'techdocs',
apis: [
api: techdocsStorageApiRef,
deps: { configApi: configApiRef },
factory({ configApi }) {
return new TechDocsStorageApi({
apiOrigin: configApi.getString('techdocs.storageUrl'),

App APIs

Lastly, the app itself is the final point where APIs can be added, and what has the final say in what APIs will be loaded at runtime? The app may override the factories for any of the core or plugin APIs, with the exception of the config, app theme, and identity APIs. These are static APIs that are tied into the createApp implementation and therefore not possible to override.

Overriding APIs is useful for apps that want to switch out behavior to tailor it to their environment. In some cases plugins, may also export multiple implementations of the same API, where they each have their own different requirements, for example, backend storage and the surrounding environment.

Supplying APIs to the app works just like for plugins:

const app = createApp({
apis: [
/* ApiFactories */
// ... other options

A common pattern is to export a list of all APIs from apis.ts, next to App.tsx. See the example app in this repo for an example.

Custom implementations of Utility APIs

Defining a custom implementation of a utility API is easy, you simply need to export a class that implements the target API, for example:

export class IgnoringErrorApi implements ErrorApi {
post(error: ErrorApiError, context?: ErrorApiErrorContext) {
// ignore error

The IgnoringErrorApi would then be imported in the app, and wired up like this:

const app = createApp({
apis: [
/* ApiFactories */
createApiFactory(errorApiRef, new IgnoringErrorApi()),

// OR
// If your API has dependencies, you use the object form
api: errorApiRef,
deps: { configApi: configApiRef },
factory({ configApi }) {
return new IgnoringErrorApi({
reportingUrl: configApi.getString('error.reportingUrl'),
// ... other options

Note that the above line will cause an error if IgnoreErrorApi does not fully implement the ErrorApi, as it is checked by the type embedded in the errorApiRef at compile time.

Defining custom Utility APIs

Plugins are free to define their own Utility APIs. Simply define the TypeScript interface for the API and create an ApiRef using createApiRef exported from @backstage/core-plugin-api. Also, be sure to provide at least one implementation of the API and to declare a default factory for the API in createPlugin.

Custom Utility APIs can be either public or private, which is up to the plugin to choose. Private APIs do not expose an external API surface, and it's therefore possible to make breaking changes to the API without affecting other users of the plugin. If an API is made public, however, it opens up for other plugins to make use of the API, and it also makes it possible for users for your plugin to override the API in the app. It is, however, important to maintain backward compatibility of public APIs, as you may otherwise break apps that are using your plugin.

To make an API public, simply export the ApiRef of the API, and any associated types. To make an API private, just avoid exporting the ApiRef, but still be sure to supply a default factory to createPlugin.

Private APIs are useful for plugins that want to depend on other APIs outside of React components, but not have to expose an entire API surface to maintain. When using private APIs, it is fine to use the typeof of an implementing class as the type parameter passed to createApiRef, while public APIs should always define a separate TypeScript interface type.

Plugins may depend on APIs from other plugins, both in React components and as dependencies to API factories. Do however be sure to not cause circular dependencies between plugins.


The ApiRef instances mentioned above provide a point of indirection between consumers and producers of Utility APIs. It allows for plugins and components to depend on APIs in a type-safe way, without having a direct reference to a concrete implementation of the APIs. The Apps are also given a lot of flexibility in what implementations to provide. As long as they adhere to the contract established by an ApiRef, they are free to choose any implementation they want.

The figure below shows the relationship between different Apps, that provide different implementations of the FooApi. Components within Plugins then access the FooApi via the fooApiRef.

Figure showing the relationship between utility APIs, the apps that provide them, and the plugins that consume them

The current method for connecting Utility API providers and consumers is via the React tree using an ApiProvider, which is added to the AppProvider of the App. In the future there may potentially be more ways to do this, in ways that are not tied to React. A design goal of the Utility APIs was to not have them directly tied to React.

The indirection provided by Utility APIs also makes it straightforward to test components that depend on APIs, and to provide a standard common development environment for plugins. A proper test wrapper with mocked API implementations is not yet ready, but it will be provided as a part of @backstage/test-utils. It will provide mocked variants of APIs, with additional methods for asserting a component's interaction with the API.

The common development environment for plugins is included in @backstage/dev-utils, where the exported createDevApp function creates an application with implementations for all core APIs already present. Contrary to the method for wiring up Utility API implementations in an app created with createApp, createDevApp uses automatic dependency injection. This is to make it possible to replace any API implementation, and having that be reflected in dependents of that API.