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Home > @backstage/plugin-permission-react > usePermission

React hook utility for authorization. Given either a non-resource Permission or a ResourcePermission and an optional resourceRef, it will return whether or not access is allowed (for the given resource, if resourceRef is provided). See for more details.

The resourceRef field is optional to allow calling this hook with an entity that might be loading asynchronously, but when resourceRef is not supplied, the value of allowed will always be false.

Note: This hook uses stale-while-revalidate to help avoid flicker in UI elements that would be conditionally rendered based on the allowed result of this hook.


function usePermission(input: {
permission: Exclude<Permission, ResourcePermission>;
resourceRef?: never;
} | {
permission: ResourcePermission;
resourceRef: string | undefined;
}): AsyncPermissionResult;


input{ permission: Exclude<Permission, ResourcePermission>; resourceRef?: never; } | { permission: ResourcePermission; resourceRef: string | undefined; }

