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Google Authentication Provider

The Backstage core-plugin-api package comes with a Google authentication provider that can authenticate users using Google OAuth.

Create OAuth Credentials

To support Google authentication, you must create OAuth credentials:

  1. Log in to the Google Console
  2. Select or create a new project from the dropdown menu on the top bar
  3. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials
  4. Click Create Credentials and choose OAuth client ID
  5. Configure an OAuth consent screen, if required
    • For local development, you do not need to enter any Authorized domain
    • For scopes, select openid, auth/ and auth/userinfo.profile
    • Add yourself as a test user, if using External user type
  6. Set Application Type to Web Application with these settings:
  7. Click Create


The provider configuration can then be added to your app-config.yaml under the root auth configuration:

environment: development
# typically you would pick one of these
- resolver: emailMatchingUserEntityProfileEmail
- resolver: emailLocalPartMatchingUserEntityName
- resolver: emailMatchingUserEntityAnnotation

The Google provider is a structure with two configuration keys:

  • clientId: The client ID that you generated, e.g.
  • clientSecret: The client secret tied to the generated client ID.


This provider includes several resolvers out of the box that you can use:

  • emailMatchingUserEntityProfileEmail: Matches the email address from the auth provider with the User entity that has a matching If no match is found it will throw a NotFoundError.
  • emailLocalPartMatchingUserEntityName: Matches the local part of the email address from the auth provider with the User entity that has a matching name. If no match is found it will throw a NotFoundError.
  • emailMatchingUserEntityAnnotation: Matches the email address from the auth provider with the User entity where the value of the annotation matches. If no match is found it will throw a NotFoundError.

The resolvers will be tried in order, but will only be skipped if they throw a NotFoundError.

If these resolvers do not fit your needs you can build a custom resolver, this is covered in the Building Custom Resolvers section of the Sign-in Identities and Resolvers documentation.

Adding the provider to the Backstage frontend

To add the provider to the frontend, add the googleAuthApi reference and SignInPage component as shown in Adding the provider to the sign-in page.